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Florida Prescription Fraud Lawyer

Prescription fraud is a serious offense that involves obtaining prescription medications through deceit, misrepresentation, or other fraudulent means. In Florida, the legal consequences of prescription fraud can be severe, including hefty fines, imprisonment, and a permanent criminal record. Common forms of prescription fraud include forging or altering prescriptions, impersonating medical staff, or doctor shopping—visiting multiple doctors to obtain multiple prescriptions. The Baez Law Firm offers strategic and aggressive criminal defense to people facing prescription fraud charges statewide. Get the best chance at a positive outcome. Contact our Florida prescription fraud lawyers today.

Legal Consequences of Prescription Fraud in Florida

Florida law treats prescription fraud as a felony offense. The specific charges and penalties depend on the nature of the fraud and the controlled substances involved, but they are all serious. Under Florida Statutes Section 893.13, individuals convicted of prescription fraud may face:

  • Third-Degree Felony: Punishable by up to five years in prison, five years of probation, and a $5,000 fine.
  • Second-Degree Felony: If the fraud involves a high volume of prescription drugs, penalties can include up to 15 years in prison, 15 years of probation, and a $10,000 fine.

Beyond these immediate penalties, individuals convicted of prescription fraud may also experience long-term consequences such as loss of professional licenses, difficulty securing employment, and damage to their reputation.

Defending Against Prescription Fraud Charges

If you are facing prescription fraud charges in Florida, it is crucial to seek the assistance of an experienced healthcare criminal defense lawyer. At The Baez Law Firm, we implement a robust defense strategy tailored to the facts of your case. One of the primary defenses against prescription fraud charges is to challenge the evidence presented by the prosecution. This can involve scrutinizing the validity of the prescription records, questioning the reliability of witnesses, and ensuring that any evidence obtained was done so legally and without violating your rights.

Proving intent is a critical component of a prescription fraud case, and challenging the prosecution’s case on this aspect can be pivotal. In appropriate cases, we can argue that there was no intention to commit fraud or raise a reasonable doubt that the prosecutor has proved this essential element. This defense might be especially useful in situations where there was a misunderstanding, clerical error, or if the accused was acting under duress or coercion.

Entrapment is another strong defense that sometimes applies to prescription fraud cases. Entrapment occurs when law enforcement officials induce an individual to commit a crime they would not have otherwise committed. If you were pressured or manipulated by authorities into engaging in prescription fraud, our lawyers might use entrapment as a defense strategy.

One argument often put forward by prosecutors to show prescription fraud is alleging that the doctor was over-prescribing unnecessary medications through a pill mill or that patients were doctor-shopping to obtain prescriptions they did not have a therapeutic need for. Demonstrating a genuine need for the prescribed drugs and a lack of intent to defraud can be a viable defense in situations like these.

The Importance of Early Legal Representation

The complexities of prescription fraud cases necessitate early intervention by a knowledgeable healthcare criminal defense attorney. From the moment you are aware of an investigation or charges, contacting a lawyer can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Your attorney can:

  • Provide immediate legal advice and representation during questioning and investigations.
  • Develop a tailored defense strategy based on the specifics of your case.
  • Negotiate with prosecutors for reduced charges or alternative sentencing options.

Conversely, trying to ward off charges or talk your way out of an arrest or prosecution without legal assistance can severely harm your chances of a successful defense. You’ve heard the phrase, “Anything you say can and will be used against you.” Law enforcement officers are trained interrogators who know how to elicit incriminating or contradictory statements that make you look guilty even when you aren’t. Your first and only statement to law enforcement after an arrest should be, “I want a lawyer.” Then pick up the phone and call The Baez Law Firm.

Contact a Florida Prescription Fraud Defense Lawyer at The Baez Law Firm Today

At The Baez Law Firm, our experienced Florida healthcare criminal defense lawyers are dedicated to protecting your rights and providing the aggressive defense you need. We understand the intricacies of prescription fraud cases and are committed to achieving the best possible outcome for our clients. If you or a loved one has been charged with prescription fraud, contact our office today for a free consultation by calling 800-588-BAEZ or completing our online form. Let us help you fight for your future and restore your peace of mind.

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